A wine and food experience.
[email protected]
276-280 Kensington High Street, London W8 6ND



Bring in 2019 in true Italian style with a delicious meal in wonderful surroundings and of course the best wines. Full menu below from £55 per person including a glass of prosecco for midnight or £45 per person if you book for 6pm.

Our chef selection of starters

Crostone di pane con pate’ di fegatini di pollo dello chef

Toasted bruschetta with our home made chicken liver pate’

Insalatina di mare con moscardini, ceci and pomodorini

Seafood salad with sauteed baby octopus, chickpeas and cherry tomatoes

Sfoglie salate con ratatuille di verdure alla curcuma e pepe

Mini savoury puff pastry parcels filled with turmeric and pepper vegetable ratatouille


tortino di zucca vegano con rosmarino affumicato

Savoury pumpkin pastry with smoked rosemary


choose 1 of the following

Triangoli di pasta fresca ripieni di gamberi tigre e salsa allo zafferano

Tiger prawn filled ravioli in our special saffron sauce

Ravioli vegani rosa di barbabietola con fonduta di patate e misticanza di funghi

pink beetroot ravioli with potato fondant and sautéed mushrooms


choose 1 of the following

Gamberoni stufati su letto di lenticchie agli aromi

Sauteed tiger prawns served with aromatiC lentils

Fiocco di vitello arrosto al limone con carote e cipolline vichy

Lemon roasted veal served with sweet and sour baby carrot and onions

Strudel di verdure stagionali e semi di sesamo

Seasonal vegetable strudel in sesame seed crust



Panettone accompagnato da crema al mascarpone

Our special panettone with mascarpone cream

We hope to see you there, please contact [email protected] to reserve your spot

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